Southern Boundary
Lushai Frontier :
Lushais inhabited the country southwest of Manipur. They
invariably created troubles to the inhabitants,
bordering to that frontier territory of Manipur. The
Government of Manipur took all pains to drive them out
of that frontier.1
July 1853 the Lushais made an attack on the Kamai Naga
Village, in the territory of Manipur, and killed eleven
persons, made twenty-two captives and burnt down the
whole village.2 After having destroyed the
above village they again descended on the Manipur Thanna
in the Kala Naga Village. On their approach the guards
of the Thanna fled abandoning the village. When the news
reached Manipur, Chandrakirti Singh sent a large
Manipuri force in that direction to intercept their
further advance. In the encounter they made with the
raiders, the Manipuri troops captured Belging Raja, one
of the great chiefs of the Lushais, together with
others. Since Belging Raja was a person of great
consequence, the Political Agent suggested that the
Manipur subjects who had been captured recently from the
above village, might possibly be recovered through him.
The Lushai Chief also expressed his confidence that if
his villagers were informed ofhis capture, the Manipuri
prisoners would be handed over to Manipur in exchange
for his and the other Lushai captives’ release. With
this object in view, two of the Lushai captives were
escorted upto the Kala Naga villge and thence dispatched
to their village. The two Lushais, before leaving for
their village, promised that they would be back at Kala
Naga in six week’s time and begged the officer, who
escorted them, to be present there by that time.
However, they never came back.3 When the
liberated Lushais did not come to Manipur as promised
Belging Raja and the other captives gave up their hopes
of being ransomed by their co-villagers and, therefore,
attempted to escape. They managed their escape, but
three of them were killed while running through the
hills and Belging Raja was found close by and he was
brought back, once again, to Manipur.
to the above proceedings Chandrakirti Singh desired to
send an expedition against the Lushais. McCullock, the
Political Agent also concurred in the opinion of the
Raja. By that time the Lushais, though aware of the fact
that Belging Raja was a prisoner in Manipur, and that
the Raja of Manipur wished to make a deal with them,
suddenly came down to the valley of Manipur and attacked
the village of Solyang, near Moirang in October 1854.
When the news of this unprovoked attack reached Cachar,
the Superintendent of that districts desired to
establish communication with the Lushai for a peaceful
settlement with Manipur and invited co-operation from
the Political Agent of the State.4 McCullock
begged Chandrakirti Singh to send Belging Raja with him
so that he might be able to send message to the Lushais,
through the above Superintendent to the effect that the
Government of Manipur was always ready to negotiate with
them. The Raja sent Belging Raja with the Political
Agent but to no purpose. Though Chandrakirti Singh, on
his part, desired to settle the Lushai problems
permanently, the latter never extended friendly offers.
Under these circumstances, the Government of India also
did not intend to act as an arbiter and as such the
Lushai problem remained unsoled.5
November 1862, the Lushais renewed their attack on
certain Naga villages under the territorial jurisdiction
of Manipur. By that time a large party of Manipuris from
Cachar, under Kanhai Singh, a refugee prince of Manipur
at Cachar, assembled near the eastern frontier of Cachar
and tried to invade Manipur. The Lushais, after burning
down the tea gardens of Loharbund in towards Manipur
along with Kanhai Singh.6 But their advance
was intercepted by the Manipuri troops before they could
reach the Manipur Valley. In early February 1869 they
made another attack on the Kala Naga stockade and killed
one Manipuri officer and some other sepoys.7
Though a contingent of Manipuri troops was immediately
sent there they could not reach the stockade in time
mainly due to bad communication and weather. The Lushais,
therefore, after plundering the surrounding villages
made their escape.8
was successful in influencing the Eastern Lushais under
Vanolei, whom he induced to come to terms with Manipur
and establish friendly relations with the State.
Subsequently, friendly relations had been established
between the above Lushais and the Ladoes and the Kuki
Nagas, in the territory of Manipur. These naga subjects
of Manpur thus began to use the hunting grounds of the
Lushais, in the neighbourhood of the salt spring of
Chiboo.9 But in the spring of 1870, the
Lushais lost seven of their men, at the above place, in
an affray with some Ladoes. This incident, once again,
destroyed the friendly relations. It was generally
believed that the bad feeling, thus established, between
the Manipuris and Lushais were, principally, due to the
incapacity of the Political Agent at Manipur. If the
Agent ws keen enough to establish a strong force at
Chiboo, it was probable that the Eastern Lushai Chiefs
would not have dared commit such raids on the frontier
of Manipur.